Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
[BUG] Complex Bridge Confusion
EMH Mark I:
I tried searching for this bug to see if it had been posted here before, but there's no sign of it. If you guys already know about it, I apologize in advance. I just discovered this today, and was advised by PPK to post about it here. First, basically by standing in front of where the wall doors slide open upon activating the switch to extend the can actually have the doors stay closed with the bridge drawn out.
Also, we discovered that its possible to stay afloat once the bridge has been drawn, basically by strafing towards the wall.
Known. I broke the bridge and gates the first time I played the map.
Jonathon [SSL]:
I think it has to do with a problem in the entity's I/O system when there's a lot of lag on a server, (not Loafie's fault) similar to how sometimes the doors in Runway close randomly. I don't know if there's much we can do about it, as it's a pretty rare bug (I've only seen it 3 times since the Beta 3 release) and it gets reset at the end of the round.
Also, the ability to strafe into a very steep object/1 unit brush is a common source problem (some people consider it a feature). There are things that can be done about it, but it's not exactly worth pursuing right now.
The simple explanation is the correct one: jam the door with your body or a phsyics object, and it will not be able to close when the bridge retracts. Desync achieved.
The strafe/surf is a source thing, but all that needs to be done is to make the sloped part illusory, so you will drop through it. It'd still look good normally but couldn't be exploited.
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
easy fix, flag the door to force close and cause damage to the blocking player. This means the door will be forced to close and hurt/kill the player blocking it.
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