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Installing GE:S on a lethalzone server
I have the FTP for the server, how can I install golden eye source on it? I read the wiki but how would i get the .bats to auto run?
You cannot run a server on a basic ftp server (as far as I know) need some sort of program/person to start the server.
Is this a server made for hosting games? if so should have some sort of way to start the server.
the server is always running. its running CS:S on it right now
Unless you hack the comp through FTP, which is entirely possible because its the worst protocol ever invented next to telnet in terms of security, you can't execute commands via FTP. You have to have access to the shell, SSH would be what you are looking for. I am not going to tell you how to set that up, that is entirely too difficult over a forum post especially if you have no knowledge of what SSH even is or a shell.
I suggest looking on server hosting sites for your answer.
if its a gaming server, then you need to have the host install the "orangebox" files..unless you wanna hand upload..but that wouldn't be fun at all.
Then upload the gesource files.
Then figure out how the host restarts/resets the server, and change the command line to something similar to this:
--- Code: ---
-game gesource_release -norestart -nocrashdialog +ip -port 27015 -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers 14 +exec server.cfg +map ge_facility -console
--- End code ---
(of course with your ip/port)
Example of what it might look like ^^
Basicly follow steps 3-6 on the Wiki server page (http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Beta3_Server_Install)
Easiest way would be to get your server host do it, if there nice :)
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