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GoldenEye Stump-a-thon
hit me withquestions about GoldenEye, Movie not actor related.
I can answer anything about this movie, i have seen it 465 times! yeah i count!
Try n stump me with questions pertaining to GoldenEye the movie...bet you cant!
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Did you really watch it 465 times?
How many steps did 007 take before he jumped off the dam? HUH?! HOW MANY!?!?
*grabs knive, slits wrists*
--- Quote from: SharpSh00tah on June 10, 2009, 08:42:33 pm ---Did you really watch it 465 times?
How many steps did 007 take before he jumped off the dam? HUH?! HOW MANY!?!?
*grabs knive, slits wrists*
--- End quote ---
59 in sprints plust another double take in stewps bringing it to 61 to jump the dam... come on! in total there were 12 shots taken a total of 379 steps... Something harder!
How many times does Mishkin blink throughout the movie?
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
How many tits does xenia onatopp have?
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