I've been thinking of submitting an application here for a while but i've been a little scared. I'm not certain what some of you would think of my work.
My name is Josh Brooker and I am from near Valdosta Georgia.
I've been modeling for around 7 months, and as its really hard to find a job in my area, ive been doing it pretty much non-stop, learning something new every day.
I figured I would post some of my stuff and get a review. I'm not sure if it is up to GE:S standards but I would like to get a professional opinion so i can decide the direction to take my work further.
I've been a Goldeneye nut since it came out. It was one of my favorite games on the N64 and i spent alot of time with the gameshark hacking every secret there was, so i was ecstatic when i first learned of the remake for the source engine. I've been playing GE:S off and on since the beta release, and it was one of the things that make me want to learn to do my own cg art. I've been doing texturing in photoshop for 3 years, I'm currently attending part time at Valdosta Technical College, and will eventually transfer to the Savannah College of Art and Design.
I use 3ds Max, I have a little experience in Zbrush, and I can use both CrazyBump and Xnormal to generate Normal, Specular, Displacement, and Occlusion Maps. I can UVW map and bake textures. I created all of my textures from scratch or pulled them from CGTextures.com, as well as used them as bases.
I live at home, so i have a lot of free time to work.
Opinions appreciated, as to me that matters more than getting a position on the team.
As i am a wrestling fan, my work tends to evolve around that unless i was given a different project.
TNA Wrestling's 6 Sided Ring:


TNA Impact! HD Arena:
WCW-style 4 Sided Ring:

WCW Starrcade:




I understand if i have further to go before I am good enough, but I am hoping to at least see how far I am from the mark.
My primary email address and MSN is elementaltalent@live.com
Secondary is Slimulationx@gmail.com