Editing and Customization > Modding Help

Really pathetic issue that I can't figure out.....

<< < (2/5) > >>

type this into the console: format c: -f

Should fix your problem ;-)


--- Quote from: killermonkey on June 08, 2009, 03:05:11 am ---type this into the console: format c: -f

Should fix your problem ;-)

--- End quote ---

And by console, km means your windows command line :) I also happen to agree, sounds like its time for a format.

no way man. I just got this computer and did a reformat about 6 months ago. I keep it maintained and up to speed/running really well to where it should be. There has to be another solution. Someone has got to know why this happens....anyone else have any ideas?

I have no idea if this would help, but have you tried refreshing your SDK content?  Or resetting the mod configurations?

Have you tried opening up something in hammer that wasn't configured for GES?  Because if it doesn't do that for a map for CSS or HL2 or something, then it might be the way you configured GES - just a thought.

Could it have something to do with your graphics card?

Since you mentioned that you haven't mapped in awhile, are you sure you're putting the camera in the level correctly?

I don't know much about hammer at all, but it would make sense to try and troubleshoot as much as possible before you reformat.  I mean, what would you do if you reformatted and the issue still occurred?

Hope it helps.

HAHA, Saint I am kiddin bro. However, I do suspect you have a problem with your settings in Hammer. There are settings in the options menu that control the speed of the camera and such, make sure that those are valid. Your gameconfig.txt could have become corrupted in the SDK folder (happens all the time, thanks Steam) and it set some invalid options, namely max turn rate 100000000 :)

EDIT: So max turn rate doesn't exist, but there is an option to disable mouselook navigation. Have you tried that?


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