Editing and Customization > Community Content

Community project *again*

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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
Okay I have a few decals for caverns I figured the community would not mind helping, right!? Anyways same rules, please send me the .vmt and .vtf and your name for crediting purposes.

--- Quote --- 1. Caution - Contents under pressure : Осторожно - Содержание под высоким давлением (Also if you just mean that there is a danger of an explosion just use "Взрывоопасно" as one word).

3. Caution Low Ceiling - "Осторожно. Низкий потолок"

4. Do Not Camp Here - "Здесь не Kемпать!" The word camp is just transliterated into russian (like many other english words)

5.  Danger Moving Machinery - "Опасно - движущиe оборудование "

6. Watch Your Step - "Осторожно. Малозаметное препятствие"

7. Narrow Hallway - "Узкий проход"
--- End quote ---

Thank you for contributing!

I could give it a shot, but I'd still have to learn a few tricks in GIMP...

Anyway, good luck to whoever goes for this!

Sean [Baron]:
Sharp is just being lazy ;)

Rodney 1.666:
"Do Not Camp Here - 'Здесь не Kемпать!'"


Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:

--- Quote from: Sean [Baron] on June 04, 2009, 05:43:35 am ---Sharp is just being lazy ;)

--- End quote ---



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