Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for

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Can try this, since your GPU is a little behind the times:

Right click on Goldeneye on you steam game, properties, then "Set Launch options".

--- Code: ---
-dxlevel 80
--- End code ---

and start the game with that,and soon as the game load to the menu, close it the game.

Then delete the command from the launch options.

Then restart the game, and configure your graphics settings and try to join a server.

See if that works.

The console messages have nothing to do with your problems... however I agree with Major that you might be having a graphical issue. Can you play the localhost server without any trouble?

My next question is, do you own ANY other Valve Source games? (HL2DM, CSS, DOD, etc) and can you play them online without any trouble?

Are you on a high-speed internet connection? (I have to ask)

- I tried to change the launch options as suggested and still have the same result.
- I can host a server and play with no trouble at all.
- I have HL, HL2, DMC, HL2DM, CS, CSCZ, CSS, DOD, TFC: all play without any problems. Also, I have Hidden (works fine), Battle Grounds (works fine), and Perfect Dark (I can never find a server, but I can host one no problem).
- I have a cable modem.

I don't know if this is relevent but, when I search for a game only one comes up and I seem to have a high ping on whatever one comes up. Which is not the case with all my other games.

Are there specific ports I need opened just for Goldeneye?

hmmm you should see about 20 servers. This leads me to believe that you have not installed the correct thing or you patched an installation or something wonky happened. Re-Download the full EXE again from another link taken from here:

Remove all traces of the "gesource" folder in SourceMods before your reinstall. DO NOT INSTALL THE PATCH ONTOP OF THE FULL INSTALL. If you are STILL having trouble, delete Source SDK Base 2007 from your steam listing and redownload that just to be sure.

No specific ports are needed for GES beyond those for TF2

So basically during one of my installs or updates or somewhere along the line, my firewall no longer recognized the program, and yeah, that was the problem.
I know, kinda stupid. Oh well.  :-\
Thanks for your help guys.

I thought the stuff I saw in the console was the problem. But when killer said otherwise, I knew I had downloaded a good version, and I was getting timed out; I went back to the basics.

It probably would have taken me longer to figure it out on my own, so thanks again for helping me hash it out.


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