Hello dear GE-Source guys,
I always have been a huge fan of Goldeneye and everything that has to do something with it.
Besides I am a huge fan of Eric Serra's music and I make music on my own.
I already did music for various German hobbyfilms, I did music for a radioshow here in Switzerland and I even made some music for a TV station once.
My secret and hidden passion always was making music in the dark and heavy style as heard in Goldeneye but also to improve it and make it a little bit more modern sounding, like adding good beats and electric instruments.
Recently I finally made a song coming very near to the GE universe (with all the remarkable sounds of Goldeneye like the "sonar" sound or the deep and heavy huumm-sounds), friends of mine and I had the idea to make this music public and I would love to make my contribution to this game and finally fulfill my dream of making Goldeneye music for something serious.
I hope there`s a way to send you this piece of music, or please give me the permission to upload it or post the Link to the file.
The reason I don`t want to post without your permission is, I don`t want anyone to get in trouble just because I shared a song with the bond pattern in it.
If you would like to hear anything else from me please visit my page:
www.yanzen-solutions.chContact me via: ranzen_13@hotmail.com (that`s also my MSN, feel free to add me)
My Programs are: Cubase 5, Sampletank 2.5 XL, EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold, EWQL Colossus
I would really be gratefull if could take my application seriously and I would love to work together with you guys and make this mod as good as it gets
