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Author Topic: Tournament Mode  (Read 6936 times)

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Tournament Mode
« on: May 13, 2009, 04:39:21 am »

I would just like to say what an amazing job has been done on the recreation of one of my favorite games. I happened to hear about GES as a fluke online while searching for HL3 gossip. I immediately downloaded the game and joined a server (the only server at the time). I was happy to see that this really was a recreation of the original game, and each level that had been created with a new look a feel was clearly marked. I loved seeing the old weapons and the music is amazing. I have already started promoting this game to everyone I know on and off STEAM to help the community grow.

Ok, enough with the praise, on to the comments / suggestions.

The first thing I did after joining a server was to launch a local server so I could walk around the levels and play with the guns without being shot. The first problem I ran into was that there was no drop down for the mode (deathmatch etc), and there was no drop down to select my gun group choice. This is something I am sure will be implemented later, but I just thought I would bring it up now.

Also, there needs to be something done about the way the server handles game play. For example, when GoldenEye for N64 was developed, the most amount of players they figured was 4. Some of those maps are clearly not intended for more than 4, and it gets tiresome spawning and dying within three seconds.

So the first part of my suggestions would be to enable a server tournament mode where, a server of 16 / 32 would compete in 4 player deathmatches where the last man standing (or first to score 10 pts) would move on to the next round. The spectators would do just that; spectate. Ultimately the winner would win....something. I dunno, make it an achievement.

The next suggestion I have is a better way to handle map / mode rotations. I realize that this will probably be server side stuff, but i'll keep typing so people who run servers hear me out. When I (as many others i'm sure) would play GoldenEye with my friends it was always;

Round 1 - Player 1 chooses the gun type, mode and level.
Round 2 - Player 2 chooses the gun type, mode and level etc.

For example, I always chose Complex, License to kill, and proximity mines. I loved camping in the tower lol. But more to the point, I think that each person after each 20 pt (5 min, 10 min etc) round, someone on the server is asked to choose the settings for the next round, including level, and that privilege would rotate to each of the players on the server.

While those items may not be the primary focus at the time (PLEASE DEVELOP THE WHOLE GAME!!), I just figured I would put it out there.

In any event, the game looks great, it plays great and I have recently become addicted to it. Congrats on the amazing work.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 05:17:04 am by Guardian »


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Re: Takes me back to my childhood
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 04:59:49 am »

Guardian, thanks for the praise and I look forward to fragging you in game ;)

Your suggestions are very good, I like that idea of a "Classic Tournament" game mode. I might write one in LUA for Beta 4 just for fun, would go very well with the vc_ maps being developed (verified classic).

As far as map/mode/weapon rotations. We developed a system that would be largely hands off to most server hosts, a kind of set it and forget it, while also catering to the nostalgia of having so many options like in N64. Your method is more suited to a server plugin then for us to develop. We are not interested in shoving server side requirements down the server owner's throats. Good idea though! I am sure someone who writes plugins will take that into consideration.

Cya ingame


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Re: Takes me back to my childhood
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 06:17:53 am »

That classic tournament mode kind reminds me of a game mode in Jedi Academy. One player keeps going until he either dies or wins the whole match. I think it was called dual...that would be a cool game set. Nice idea man. It would also bring in new achievements too. And yeah, with VC's classic maps, it would just make it even better. you got me all excited. See you in game man. :)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D
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