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My Apple Vent
« on: May 04, 2009, 01:45:53 pm »

I am fucking sick and tired of going on "tech" websites to read their news. No matter what the news article is about, they have to put at the bottom of the article:

"And when Apple introduces ______ then they will have to watch their backs"

Honestly, who the fuck do these Journal ass fuckers think they are? Just because they are sucked into the Macverse with their stupid MacBooks, iBooks, iLive, iSucks, iPods, iFuckYourMother (Steve Job's Style) doesn't even come close to justify their [lack of] market knowledge.

I am referring to this article for my "set-off" about the Amazon Kindle:
At the bottom they write: "Yes, it's a potential lifeboat, but if Apple comes along with a tablet-style device that does more--and doesn't cost all that much more--it could sink."

First of all, I follow A LOT of tech news, and I read it from many different websites. This guy clearly does not, even if he is the "executive editor" prolly has a degree in fine arts (no offense to anyone that does, but come on). I already called out some other executive editor on PCMagazine that was knocking Vista, even though all his knocks were FALSE. Anyway, back on track...

Apple cannot possibly rival Amazon for many reasons:
1. They have openly stated they don't want to make a Netbook, which a kindle is basically
2. They have NO WHERE NEAR the amount of digital media distribution set-up that Amazon ALREADY HAS. The device might be the same price, but the content most likely never will be the same as Amazon.
3. Steve Job's would never settle to sell a "Apple Product" for the same price as something already available. Did you forget about the Apple Tax?

Flame me, Praise me, I don't give a shit. I am sick of ass holes praising a company that doesn't give two shits about their consumer base. Another company did the same thing as Apple, they are called Sony (remember Sony Style?), and they aren't doing too hot anymore because they didn't care about their consumers.


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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 02:35:12 pm »


So I make the claim that Apple doesn't care about it's consumer base, let me make a side-by-side comparison...

iPhone VS. Blackberry (I own a blackberry)

Where to begin.... (I will make these into TRUE stories)

I recently upgraded my Blackberry to a 4GB model, "HOLY SHIT how the fuck could i afford that!!?!?!?"  says the macophile. I reply: I bought a $20 4GB microSD card. He gasped with envy.

I recently upgraded my Blackberry with their new app store and can install whatever programs I want (sanctioned or not). The macophile replies "I bricked 3 iPhones trying to jail break them" (for those not in the know, the Apple appstore is LOCKED DOWN and no apps can get onto your iPhone unless blessed by Apple. That is, of course, if you don't jail break your phone which means running third party OS hacks, etc etc. Very easy to fuck it up that way)

Say I wanted to develop a new app for my Blackberry, seeing how I know how to program. I simply download their SDK and start going to it. I can load it onto my Blackberry with no special software and sell it on OR off the Blackberry's appstore.

Say I wanted to develop a new app for my iPhone. I have to get in line to get my hands on their SDK and offer up my first born child in order to use it (literally it costs aroudn $150 or so I believe, its not cheap). Then I have to go through hoops and ladders to get my app onto my own iPhone. OK great, I made my app and am ready to sell. FUCK. Now I am in line AGAIN waiting for Apple to approve my app for their l33t store (NO GUARANTEES). Fuck they didn't like my new baby chucker game, not only am I out $150 for the SDK, but I am also out my TIME. FUCK THAT.

Oh man I want to listen to music and surf the web on my iPhone. Wait, what? I CAN'T multitask?? Are you f'in serious? That is the lamest excuse for a piece of hardware/software ever. Oh yah, in Blackberry I can have however many apps I want open at a time and switch between them much like ALT-TAB in Windows (and listen to music and surf the web and answer emails at the same time).

Speaking of listening to music. Don't use iTunes? HAHA fat chance your music will play in the iPhone. Blackberry = drag and drop into my 4GB stick, PLAY, DONE.

FUCK MY ASS, I forgot to charge my iPhone last night, its blinking red man, what do I do!? Relax macophile, just ship it to Apple to have them replace your battery (snicker). I get up to 3-4 days of on-off use on a single charge with my Blackberry. If I am hitting websites and making calls hardcore I can get about 1 day of solid use before a charge is required. With the iPhone, you'll be lucky if you get 6 hours of solid use (LUCKY). 'Nuff said.

I just don't understand it, why would someone shell out $300 for a piece of shit phone that FAILS at very very basic requirements of a computer and user usability. Someone please refute my statements who owns an iPhone, I bet you can't come up with something the iPhone does better then the blackberry (besides be flashy unnecessarily).

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]

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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 06:04:14 pm »

you need to write articles for magazines bro, i personally have and use quite often the "Ifuckyourmother", it is a great model at night and is quite the stress release!

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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 09:43:19 pm »

I feel it is important to realize that powerful men have spent the last sixty-five years training the populace-at-large to be large children.  They yearn for a mother and father figure, manifest as a corporation, to tell them when they can watch TV, eat, go poopy, and have nap time.

Apple pats baby on the head, says "it will be okay, I will take care of you," and then withholds this week's allowance for safe keeping.
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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2009, 10:16:09 pm »


lol, no I agree with about all of your facts/opinions.

But I will admit if I had the $/AT&T coverage I would get a Iphone.
As well if I had a cool $2000 to spare I'd pickup a MacBook Pro.

But till then it's Verizon and any phone they carry ( Blackberry Storm, maybe.... But thats pushing the $)

And no Laptop... but I got my iPod Touch.. it does pretty good for mobile forum checking/VNC'ing servers.

(and you can listen to music and work any other app at the same time(including internet), but that's the most multitasking it will do... for now, iPhone 3g might see some sort of multitasking feature, but very limited.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 11:11:59 pm »

UPDATE: Straight from the horses mouth, just read this post and click the "naughty" link from Trent from NIN to really get your blood boiling, VC hit the nail on the fucking head

You can ask Lodle, I don't own a SINGLE piece of mac hardware. They are hypocritical, baby coddling, moronic, fucksticks that want to take over your life, or your iLife to be exact. Bill Gates isn't even THAT evil!

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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 12:22:52 am »

Monkey you poor boy, when are you going to find the light and see the joy of the apple way and Steve jobs is the one true god?

Lol, all joking aside apple does have some shit quality's to them but you cant say that they produce some high quality crap. Love my mac book pro


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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 12:34:45 am »

That's it, someone needs to port Wolf3D to the Blackberry.
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Re: My Apple Vent
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 02:58:03 pm »

Yeah, I will have to agree with you on some points km.  And I felt almost the exact same rage about a year ago.  Since then, I have pieced together an old iBook from a box of parts my school's helpdesk was throwing away, and gotten to know a bit about its hardware and OS. 

Although its good for the basics (browsing the web, watching dvd's, etc) its more of a Linux for idiots from the technical stand point (very dumbed down limited command line).  I also got a iPod touch for free, b/c it came with my sister's iMac when she bought one (yeah, i fought her on that one) and she didnt want it b/c she had an iPhone already (seriously, i dont know where i went wrong in her training). 

So my opinion of apple has been changing a bit since I started using some of their hardware, but only b/c I was able to skip the apple tax.  But I agree, some of their policies are complete BS, and I defiantly dont agree with them.
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