hey guys good news: I`ve found a way to contact the master of GoldenEye music; I`ve found his myspace webspace which I think is really his and not some manager in charge or something - veni, vidi, vici - I wrote a message, check it out:
Good evening monsieur Serra,
I am writing you from Switzerland and really want to tell you that your music has influenced me from when I first began working with music. The world you build around movies with your soundtrack alone is so inspiring, and I love listening to your music on cold and rainy days. The atmosphere many of them contain is immense.
Some of my favorites are Leon and even if some people doubt it: GoldenEye. The GoldenEye Overture is quite possibly one of the best bond songs ever written, and the rest of your sountrack fits the movie perfectly and amazes me to this day.
The GoldenEye Overture is still a "Piece de resistance" on my MP3 player, and will always be.
After buying the GoldenEye Soundtrack I was devastated: I was very young and had put all my money together to buy it and a lot of your tracks were missing or incomplete.
After that I began to re-build some of the missing songs from the GoldenEye soundtrack and started to observe and study your instruments and especially your sound effects, and after ten years work I've managed to build up a library which I call "The Eric Serra SFX Box", with many instruments and sound effects sounding similar to yours and some I did myself.
Today, I am a music composer for a Half-Life 2 Modification called “GoldenEye: Source,” which is a recreation of the classic Nintendo 64 game “GoldenEye 007” on a new engine, incorporating the GoldenEye movie's look with the classic gameplay of the Nintendo 64 game. I've been working on recreating several of the original game's tracks in a style as similar as possible to yours, and many people have told me that I've hit the nail on the head with many of these songs.
I would really appreciate if you could find the time to listen to some of my tracks, which can be downloaded in the links below, and give your professional opinion. To hear from you, my teacher and inspiration, would be absolutely incredible.
Alors monsieur Serra, I hope we can get in touch and have an exclusive exchange.
Yours sincerely,
Yannick "GoldenZen" Zenhäusern
Let`s hope the best,