I am fucking sick and tired of going on "tech" websites to read their news. No matter what the news article is about, they have to put at the bottom of the article:
"And when Apple introduces ______ then they will have to watch their backs"
Honestly, who the fuck do these Journal ass fuckers think they are? Just because they are sucked into the Macverse with their stupid MacBooks, iBooks, iLive, iSucks, iPods, iFuckYourMother (Steve Job's Style) doesn't even come close to justify their [lack of] market knowledge.
I am referring to this article for my "set-off" about the Amazon Kindle:
http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10232556-1.htmlAt the bottom they write: "Yes, it's a potential lifeboat, but if Apple comes along with a tablet-style device that does more--and doesn't cost all that much more--it could sink."
First of all, I follow A LOT of tech news, and I read it from many different websites. This guy clearly does not, even if he is the "executive editor" prolly has a degree in fine arts (no offense to anyone that does, but come on). I already called out some other executive editor on PCMagazine that was knocking Vista, even though all his knocks were FALSE. Anyway, back on track...
Apple cannot possibly rival Amazon for many reasons:
1. They have openly stated they don't want to make a Netbook, which a kindle is basically
2. They have NO WHERE NEAR the amount of digital media distribution set-up that Amazon ALREADY HAS. The device might be the same price, but the
content most likely never will be the same as Amazon.
3. Steve Job's would never settle to sell a "Apple Product" for the same price as something already available. Did you forget about the Apple Tax?
Flame me, Praise me, I don't give a shit. I am sick of ass holes praising a company that doesn't give two shits about their consumer base. Another company did the same thing as Apple, they are called Sony (remember Sony Style?), and they aren't doing too hot anymore because they didn't care about their consumers.