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Moddb T-Shirt Comp

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Jonathon [SSL]:
Just managed to get the template converted to a format usable by me (I don't own Photoshop) and I started putting my shirt together. If I were to buy a GE:S shirt, I would want it to look like this:

Simple so far, I'll try to add some "007" and Moddb stuff to it later. Maybe some awards things.

I like to keep my fan shirts small and simple, (Like the HL2DM and the CSS shirts), I would personally feel kinda self-conscious walking outside with a massive logo going around my front, side, and back.

Jonathan [Spider]:

--- Quote from: major on April 05, 2009, 07:18:15 am ---Yeah I hear ya there, think ill play with the health bars.

But don't wanna rip this shirt off:

--- End quote ---

gad dam that shirt is EPIC

I think what ever shirt design we go for has to be this bad ass.

^^All that guy needed was a Klobb and Boris' face.

That is such a great shirt, but to be honest...I like the shirt templates I have seen above already. :) Nice job boys.

Mark [lodle]:
Not much time left for this. Make sure you enter!


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