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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
I cant stop it so i dont care, im just curious

Kewl. It took me at least five seconds to recognize which area this Room is recreating.
Yea, the fans look kinda familiar.

Bad thing. Library should look like, what is it... one of those buildings with books, a Libarary, that's it.  Not like an aviation hangar.  And double not a copy-paste aviation hangar.

Jonathon [SSL]:

--- Quote from: SharpSh00tah on May 24, 2009, 03:25:15 am ---it looks like those two fans and the decals are right out of runway... (am i right?)

--- End quote ---

Yes they are, but absolutely nothing else is. Notice the "WIP", I commonly use other geometry for inspiration (For example I quickly needed some large fans... boom), then make it my own later. In reality, past that, it doesn't look a thing like Runway (I don't want it to look like Runway). Also, once again, it's a warehouse for bringing in stuff, not an aviation hanger, there will be actual "library"-ness involved.


Also, once again, it's a corvette for driving to the beach with hot babes in style, not a station wagon, there will be actual "corvette"-ness involved.


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