Im sitting out side the press room at gdc atm due to it opening late today (really wtf is with that) with very little sleep from the night before, again.
Yesterday was the random tutorials day which really was a mixed bag. There where some ok ones i went to talking about subtle issues with coding on pcs and xboxs and others that delt with optimization. The project manager overview from bungie was also pretty average.
I traveled the expo hall looking at the new technology's and onLive looks promising if they can pull it off. I also stopped by the IGF booth and caught up with the guys from Zeno Clash (
source engine game which is 25% off on steam atm) and the guys from cortex command.
Unlike the day the night was wikid and a great experience. It started of with the IGF and GDC award night which was the first time i have been to one of them and i must say i was impressed. I had impressions that it was going to be very tame but it was nothing like it. To sum the night up i will quote one of the presenters, "Fuck Yeah!". It was 2 hours filled with quality moments and very unprepared speeches. Congrats to all the award winners and to Little Big Planet who mopped up alot of awards (and even started the wrong speach for the first award!).
During the day i went down to the valve booth at the carer expo and it was paced, the line was around 100 feet long and i didnt have time to hang around. However one of moddbs friends, John (from wolffire) managed to get his hands on an invite for the steam party so after the awards show we headed of with him to it.
Because we didnt have any tickets we wernt allowed in but in a pure fluke (and being in the right place at the right time) the lady in charge let us in. This opened up some great opportunity's for me. Inside i talked to the intel guy (cant remember his name atm) about organizing an internship for our summer (winter for the yanks) which looks very promising. I also ended up talking to some freelance project managers from la who where very nice.
I was trying not to make an ass of my self so i didnt drink that much and ended up drink a lot of red bull, the down side to this is that i didnt sleep till 6am. It was a pretty good day all in all.

Zeno Clash