Global Communications > Mike's Blog

Another tooth to give me troubles.


Mike [fourtecks]:
Short entry today. Basically the news is is that I have another tooth giving me trouble. The pain isn't as bad, and really hasn't bothered me the past 2 days, but I went in the get it checked and the tooth above the one that just got fixed needs a root canal. Son of a bitch. Anyways, since the pain is gone I am waiting until May 1st if I can so I get my dental insurance.

The doc didn't notice it was rotted out last time he was in there?

Mike [fourtecks]:
He did. He said he wanted to check it out some time blah blah and wanted to get me another appointment. I just wanted to wait until I got my insurance so I don't have to pay the bucks. It's when the aches kicked in recently I decided to get it looked closer at.

Sean [Baron]:
Densits always say that shit.


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