the doors im referring to are in the temple and the stack. the doors that open vertically. the swing doors in the original (basically the doors in the archives, facility) you could close but they opened back up so quickly, there was very little strategy involved in it. However, in the temple and stack, the doors that opened vertically, if your running for a vest and close those doors behind you, the other person would have to reopen them, thus you might get a chance to reach the vest without dying. especially in the temple. the doors opened so dam slow if you close it behind you, no way could the other person open it back up in time to kill you before you got the vest.
I haven't been playing GE:S that long but I tried to close a few doors behind me and couldn't and got kinda frustrated. Now, I can see that if you guys tried it out on a map like facility and say that it's just not worth it; I'll take your word for it. (though i may still disagree without seeing it for myself

However on Temple, Stack, and Egyptian I think it is so necessary. Temple is nice because it takes a while to open and close which can give you a big advantage running away or doubling back behind. Stack and Egyptian are, I think, essential to gameplay. The doors don't fly open and close, but it was fast enough that you could hide, slow down your pursuer, and even vanish if someone didn't see you. If someone runs by a door that is wide open, they know where you went and now you're being follwed.
I played too much goldeneye, still do. I know this is an old post and maybe you guys have made up your minds, but I have to make my case.
It's just so much a part of the game. Even on all the other maps as well. Even when the door closes too fast (as it seems to be stated), it's vital for throwing or firing explosives at an enemy and being able to close a door while they burn and you stay protected. Rather then have to try to run away because they'll just chase you. Now you've trapped and burned them to death. I mean, c'mon!
I hope there is still a possibility that being able to close doors will be brought into the game. At least on Temple, Stack, and Egyptian. I urge you all to bust out the 64 and slip a rocket under a closing temple door, or slip unnoticed into an Egyptian passage way. Didn't you even stand in a doorway while someone runs towards you only to watch them realize there are mines all around them. Then as they try to punch it in through to the door you slam it closed, quarantining them off in a fiery concrete box?