Well Scott and i went hunting for some australian beer yesterday for the ubi soft meeting he is having (he didnt think to bring any beer from home) so we went charging around San Fran looking for some. In total we travled around 20 odd blocks going in and out of liqure stores and the only thing they had is fosters. Really, who the fuck drinks that shit? Australians have so much good beer and the best we can export is fosters? Makes me angry.
However, we found a rather huge store which had some coopers and james boags but then they also manage to munt up the label and put kangaroo images all over it. Another huge sigh, but its the best we could find.
The traffic in the usa is crazy. At first i didnt understand the crossing the road method (i was looking around for a button to press which makes the beep beep beep noise meaning you can cross) and just blindly following others across the road. It freaked me out that turning cars where going on a red light (thats ment to be legal here, who would of known) and i kept stopping to let them go and they stopped to let me go (deadlock). However i worked out whats goes on, basically you can cross when the traffic is going parallel to you, this is better in some ways than the button and beeper but you cant cross diagonally which means you have to wait on the other side again.
I think san fran is the first place i have been to where it was sunny out side (my uv glasses went really dark) but it still was frikin freezing.
I also went to the computer museum in Mountain View (it didnt cause scott and ryan to jizz and there paints like me so they didnt come) and it was fuckn wikid. There was this massive manically machine (see video when its ready) that could calculated 7 degree binomials which was designed in 1850's. It rocked. Also it was good to see what shaped computing during the 1970's, 80's and 90's. Some of the computers they had on display had over a 1500 meters of copper wiring in them (mr cray im looking at you!) and its amazing how complex some of them where. One of the fist memory devices was a mercury sound tube, i was like wtf.
I walked passed the gdc hall on my way home and public registrations where open, media registration (what moddb has) happens tomorrow so i didnt get to see any cool stuff yet.
Well i have to go buy some pants (shorts really dont cut it here) and get some dinner.

First internet router

Apple II

Apple Macintosh

Cray internals

Mercury Image Store

10mg hdd (size of a table)

First raid array
