Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[ARCHIVES BUG] Duck-Jump with Certain Areas

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Rodney 1.666:
I wouldn't call this a bug, per se. Following the rules.

With the disabling of the duck-jump, areas like the attic from these boxes are impossible to get to.

Course, that could be the only case. If so, the map would just need adjustment.

With this "fix", I guess you'll have to take the stairs.

But, is it me or you jump higher on this version? Perhaps you are not jumping on the right moment. Jumping over railings on previous versions required you to crouch-jump; now, you don't have to in most of them (others are still impossible).

You must have missed the change log PPK in which is says the jump height was increased to allow you to mount railings and crates. The map will have to conform to our standards, this map needs a shit ton of work anyway *COUGH*PLAYER CLIPPING*COUGH*


--- Quote from: killermonkey on March 22, 2009, 02:34:45 pm ---You must have missed the change log PPK in which is says the jump height was increased to allow you to mount railings and crates.

--- End quote ---

Apparently I missed it. It was strange the first time I played Beta 3.1. It seemed like it had low gravity.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on March 22, 2009, 02:34:45 pm ---You must have missed the change log PPK in which is says the jump height was increased to allow you to mount railings and crates. The map will have to conform to our standards, this map needs a shit ton of work anyway *COUGH*PLAYER CLIPPING*COUGH*

--- End quote ---

I have some excellent cough medicine if you'd like km?


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