You're right and that's why we're here - to talk about the mod.

Concerning your first post I thought it was funny, because I was thinking the same way in the beginning when I saw the changes made to (for example) facility (-> BETA 1) but as I played I realized that some new multiplayer maps (like facility_backzone for example) were really fun to play on AND of course, that changes had to be applied to maps, especially small maps. While you would play GE64 with only 4 players, GE: S is mostly like 16 man per server.
If Egyptian wasn't extended, you'd quickly get pissed because of the long hallways and the many players on the map, even in deathmatch. Fair enough, there are some 4 players-servers.
But most of the players really like larger servers. So a "solution" to your "problem" was eventually designing "classic" maps - like stack, library, basment, complex and temple already are - of the newer versions (facility, caves, egyptian) for usage on this small servers. But that's basically taking away the new stuff (map layout changes, props). Shouldn't be very hard to do, but I do not consider it that "important" at the moment since the existing maps are (at least I think so) great and there is more under construction (-> maps, weapons, skins).
Maybe there will be some more classic versions of maps in a later version, but this depends on the dev team.
In any case I think this mod is fun to play (and even more than some actual "games" that came out recently) and if you enjoyed it at least a little (and I think so, because you spent 10 hours) you might keep playing it or at least check later versions when they're released.
Was there something else bothering you beside the maps? I guess not. ^^