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Author Topic: hello, one question  (Read 11515 times)

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hello, one question
« on: March 19, 2009, 01:21:52 pm »

first of all, I'm happy to see this modification is still strong! I'll never forget the exciting Christmas releases! the beta one was great!

there is something I've noticed with almost every hl2 mod, the player models sort of hunching over.  is there anyway to make them stand up tall like original Goldeneye? of course the custom view heights for Jaws and Oddjob would be nice also ;o)



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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 09:35:36 pm »

Hi there. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay with us.

One of the dev members has already mentioned the hunching of the characters. I don't know if it can be fixed, but I guess the team will give it a try. Maybe it has something to do with the characters' animations and if it has, then I guess they'll fix it. I don't think it's one of their priorities though.

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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 10:00:58 pm »

We are using the hl2 animations for most of our character animations because we just don't have the time or animators to recreate all those animations from scratch.  We are changing a few of the animations, such as death animations and holding non standard guns like the rcp90, but all that other stuff is really really low priority. 
Konrad Beerbaum: Environment Artist


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 10:01:18 pm »

Yes, the animations are still "stock" so its got nothing to do with us why they are hunched. The team will be completing the total conversion aspects in time, in this case making custom player animations when we have set that as a goal. Probably wont be til later, towards the finish when we are polishing things in the mod and animators are doing nothing else more important.

the custom view heights for Jaws and Oddjob would be nice also ;o)

I'm not sure this will ever be done, so please dont count on this being brought from the 64 version. It's not as meaningful in PC environments ; the whole factor of choosing jaws for advantage etc. I think the process itself on source is overly tricky as well so this is another factor.


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 02:28:05 pm »

i thought one of the devs said they were working on the custom heights of characters. whats the point of getting jaws or Job when you dont gain a advantage either way. whats the point of having different chracters when they are all the same height. How in the world can the short man of the game (NickNak) who's is suppose to be 3'9"  gun height be the exact same as jaws who is 7'2". The whole point of choosing jaws or job was for some type of advantage either way. If you selected jaws, then your gun would always be at the head of other characters, thus giving you a chance for a headshot every time you squeezed the trigger.The downside to that was Jaws was so dam big, every time someone shot at you it more than likely hit.

 If you selected Job, your gun will always be below the waist and you would always have a good shot below the torso. very hard to hit Job but he doesnt do much damage because his gun is never aimed at anyones head.

THIS IS THE STRATEGY THAT MADE GE64 the great game that it is.

I guess what your telling us is that it will be to hard to make characters different sizes on the game. Because at this point, the only difference between characters now is different names and outfits. everything else is the same.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 02:31:35 pm by double0killa »


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 02:40:46 pm »

I just wanted to say i enjoy your game. It is a great replica of the original, which i still play. The whole blood/hit detection thing is a tad bit overrated. Hit detection was even a problem in the original. It seems like most of the guys complaining about hit detection play LTK. (Me personally, I never play that game mode. It really doesn't showcase any true skills. Just because you shoot someone 1st doesn't mean your better). Anyway, my only question is about character height. In the original game taller (and for that matter ) shorter players guns matched their height. Meaning Jaws gun was always higher up by default than anyone elses. In this version, i have noticed when i play with Jaws, his gun height matches everyone elses, so does oddjobs. I remember oddjob vs Jaws matches where Jaws gun was well above Oddjobs head and Oddjobs gun was at Jaws knees. You literally had to either aim the gun up or down depending on who you controlled.
Its not a huge issue, I was just wondering if that would be a possible change.

 Viashino Cutthroat

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Characters will, to the limits of feasibility, be the heights of their respective actors.  Jaws will likely grow a little to match Richard Keil (7-2ish).   Harold Suzuka was about 6-2 so he will not likely change.  Nick Nack (Herve Villichaize, 3-11) will be our game's short man.

 It seems to me that according to this DEV, the character heights will be tweaked.


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 04:06:03 pm »

Nick Nack's going to be in it? Lovely.


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2009, 04:20:15 pm »

Right Now: Jaws is in because he's cool.  He is not the right size and he can't be because to change character heights significantly requires creating new animations (I am told) because apparently Valve can't figure out how multiplying numbers works.

In The Future: Character heights will be made appropriate and everyone gets new animations.  All we need are people who can model and animate and get all this work done.  Because we have what, one people doing it part-time right now?

There are hitbox differences between the characters, though the only one that is even close to notable is Mishkin, whose Stomach box is a bit long, making him slightly more vulnerable to taking a shotgun blast in the ass.
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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 06:30:31 pm »

ok so what your sayin is its on the agenda, just not top priority right now.


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2009, 12:19:57 am »

it should be though, I think we should have heights based on all original actors.  it would be a nice feel.  it would make the mod stand out more as well.


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2009, 06:31:29 pm »

How do you view the character's hitboxes?


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2009, 10:59:17 pm »

"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2009, 12:47:32 pm »

Right Now: Jaws is in because he's cool.  He is not the right size and he can't be because to change character heights significantly requires creating new animations (I am told) because apparently Valve can't figure out how multiplying numbers works.

In The Future: Character heights will be made appropriate and everyone gets new animations.  All we need are people who can model and animate and get all this work done.  Because we have what, one people doing it part-time right now?

There are hitbox differences between the characters, though the only one that is even close to notable is Mishkin, whose Stomach box is a bit long, making him slightly more vulnerable to taking a shotgun blast in the ass.

Oh THAT'S why I keep getting owned with the shotgun and seem to suck at using it most of the time! I just thought I had a bad connection to servers so damage didn't recognize well.
Finally, a game that captures the originality, entertainment and pure epicness of Goldeneye...with really awesome music!


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Re: hello, one question
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2009, 01:19:16 pm »

lol, no, you get owned because you haven't learned to use it.  I was cursing it for a while until I studied it and figured how source hitreg behaves.

The Mishkin hitbox difference is maybe worth 10% damage in close normal combat.  Point-blank and long range, it's not perceptable.
"As for VC's scripts they have not broken the game at all, in fact the game has never felt better." -- KM
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