Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[FIXED B4] Jesus jump

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--- Quote from: PPK on March 19, 2009, 09:27:08 pm ---Or by thy Holy Father. Perhaps he was playing GE:S at the time.

--- End quote ---

Anybody get His steam ID, or better yet, His ip address? I'd love to know what ISP He's using :)


--- Quote from: Kujo on March 22, 2009, 01:06:49 am ---Anybody get His steam ID, or better yet, His ip address? I'd love to know what ISP He's using :)

--- End quote ---

Ask Gabe. He knows. Gabe > God.

Not sure it is an animation problem the guys at HL2CTF fixed it but I think witout addign any extra animations.

This is from the changlelog, make any sense?

--- Quote ---Update: Player model uses proper sequence when changing weapons during a jump (no more ref pos)
--- End quote ---


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