I would probably be interested in playing "competitively". It's just at the moment there isn't enough (good) clans. That's why I didn't join WNx. It would be better of me to lend my bad-assery to another clan, or form my own

WNx already has a bunch of people, and a handful of them are some of the best players so far. So, unless I was good friends with some of their members (which isn't the case right now) there is no point in me adding myself to an already bloated clan. You guys should split up and form two or more different clans so there's some decent clan-based competition, hehe.
Still, there just isn't enough serious players right now to bother with organizing anything big. And plus the game itself still needs to be completed, hehe.
We could have some quick free-for-all DM tournaments. Like one-sitting things, where we all play so many rounds/matches, and the lowest person of each round/match is eliminated until there is one left. Or something simple like that. 'Twould be fun.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I would like to participate if you guys ever put together a little tourney or something. Just announce it well ahead of time, so I can practice. I haven't been playing GES too much lately. Been busy with UT3 and a couple other games.