Debriefing > Fixed\Known Bugs
[NOTABUG] Hayday Mayday
Both your propositons sound interesting.
But as VC said it would be way easier to get Hayday Mayday if you have more rounds. (and round- and matchtime are server options, right? so you could have a match with.. I don't know... like 60 rounds)
Giving priority to awards needed for achievements would also dinstinctly decrease the difficulty of earning "The World Is Not Enough" among others. :-(
More than that, you would need to code a priority list for achievements (or setting it to random) if multiple players could get an achievement if their reward was shown.
A third solution was to show all awards earned.
Unfortunately, that would mess up the round/match ending screen and furthermore decrease the difficulty for other awards as well.
After all, I think you should keep it the way it is now.
I like really "achieving" something rather than anyone can do it.
I haven't even got this achievement and I spam her like a......*insert your own pimp, hooker comment*
Achievements are purely client side, the server has absolutely and can never have any knowledge of a client's achievement progress, so VC's idea is implausible at best.
The server doesn't need to know anything about player status.
Calculate all awards first.
Check for any potential Achievment conditions.
Flag awards that are bound to potential achievements.
If greater than six, choose six from those. Else, award those then select any other awards that may be applicable, up to the normal six.
lol all awards are achievement conditions besides the wheres the XXX awards and lemming... it doesn't matter anyway this is all for fun gawd damnit
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