Editing and Customization > General Discussion

I have a question (A n00b question)

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--- Quote from: The SSL on March 15, 2009, 08:45:54 pm ---

--- End quote ---

So like, i wanna make that into a banner lol... i wish i had garrys mod.. but erm.. maybe we can get together for some ideas :-p

i want that one for a tBar for if i ever get Ripe on FPSB.. i'm like 5k points away -.-

Mark [lodle]:
We dont use lua for any weapons, you will have to recode them for your self.

well if i have to recode them for myself could someone help me with it or give me some of the values i need.


--- Quote from: Peroxwhy?gen on March 17, 2009, 07:04:17 pm ---could someone help me with it or give me some of the values i need.
--- End quote ---
VC is the guy to go for this :)

edit: http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Weapons there you go: you'll find damage range, fire rate, accuracy, etc... values.

OK... I'm having a bit of trouble doing this if someone more experienced in this line of work please help


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