Editing and Customization > General Discussion

I have a question (A n00b question)

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Is there any way to get the GE:S weapons onto Garry's mod?

I guess there is; I think there was a thread that was about that, or at least someone made the same question as you.

I don't know how to port them to Garry's Mod, if it's doable. The dev team will tell you how to if they let you do it, for sure.

It would be nice if you wanted to do machinima with the GE:S characters. I can already imagine it: Boris' Adventures: Beyond Geekdom... hehe

I presume your taking about SWEP weapons? Obviously you can import any model from GES using the ingame browser thingy....

But if you want to make SWEPs try this tutoiral


If i remember rightly its pretty simple (and hugely gratifying)... enjoy ^__^

Jonathon [SSL]:
I once made an SMG launch Explosive Barrels with the primary fire, then create an explosion at the point the player was looking at with the secondary fire. Making SWEPs in Garry's Mod is ridiculously easy, the only reason I haven't done this yet is because I don't have the weapon damage/accuracy values so they wouldn't be accurate replicas.


--- Quote ---Obviously you can import any model from GES using the ingame browser thingy
--- End quote ---

you can? i never knew that them... (oh no another n00b question) how do i do that?


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