Debriefing > Fixed\Known Bugs

[NOTABUG] Red Armor Gauge?


Rodney 1.666:
In two separate matches, I noticed that my armor gauge was red rather than blue.
It's not the red of the health meter either; It shows up a dark red.

I then asked the only other person in there to hit me with something. It was blue again, so this doesn't last the entire round. Just shows up at random.

I took some screenshots but forgot to post about this earlier. I'm now at work, so that'll have to wait.

In MWGG you can only pick up armor once with the GG in your inventory. It shows up red to show you that you can't refill your armor bar again

Rodney 1.666:
O rly?

Well then.
I been learned.

Has that been mentioned anywhere? (Just so I know whether or not to feel stupid.)

I don't think it has been mentioned anywhere else.

I never noticed it, even when I played a MWtGG tournament.


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