Dear faithful community,
Our coders have been stuck into our patch this week on the back of the VALVe update that fixed OrangeBox mods. We appreciate all patience shown through this time, and the good feedback and concerns still coming in through your suggestions/comments. Thanks a bunch.
Beta 3.1 Patch Info
Containing around 30+ fixes in it, this is no small patch. In terms of increasing an already stable game, this is a big concentrated effort to root out the small lingering bugs and streamline some of our implementations. It's a big reward for everyone, and servers should become more successful for you guys to enjoy!
Beta 3.1 hilights :
* Fixed mp_timelimit 0 and ge_roundtime 0, they function as they should to disable the time limits.
* Fixed Grenade blocking you when trying to walk over it
* Fixed spectators blowing up proximity mines
* Fixed random weaponset and added "random_loadout" set which sets a new defined loadout randomly every Round
* Added gameplay cvar
ge_gameplay_mode [0/1/2]
0 = no change
1 = ordered from the list
2 = random from the list
This "list" is defined in gameplaycycle.txt for serverhosts
*Disabled crouchjumping (due to hitboxes moving unfairly erratic while using this jump method)
*Increased jump height to access rails/crates
*Decreased "camping" consideration time (when you are stationary and become a red dot on radar)
* When you first pickup a weapon it will be equipped fully loaded with as much ammo as you have for that weapon (instead of the default clip size, usually 10 rounds)
* Moved the death music client side and is toggleable with the "Disable Special Cue Music" advanced multi option
* Added HLStatsX server messages for player hurt and gun fired
* Proxy mines can now be exploded if THROWN OBJECTS PASS THEM WITHIN RANGE!
Thrown objects include:
- TKnifes
- Grenades
- Any mine
*Added 12 new achievements PLUS tweaked some existing achievement conditions to be fair in all gameplay modes.
The complete changelog to be shown when the patch is released! (make sure to check the changelog on the release thread and wiki tomorrow for all your information needs) Thanks for following our mod, get people involved on our forums today!
DEV/BT tags
A little bonus for the crew responsible for the mod was coded in right after beta 3 went out the door and we figured since you will see the evidence why not explain it! Developers and Beta testers now have pimped klobbs for first person/view models. Self explanitory in the pictures, Devs are golden, Testers are black. Bear in mind this is bound to Steam ID as is the new scoreboards listing of "DEV" or "BT" which identifies official GE:S crew members in any server. No longer can people fool you! Check the scoreboard for the truth, friends.
**Notice :The DEV/BT klobbs are not different in any way except visually**
p.s Not all devs were quick enough, forgive "kinky" as he is a DEV ; if you see him in-game without a golden klobb pretend he has one, our hearts go out to him.
Other Developments Internally
Aside from the release of this patch tomorrow, we have begun steaming towards beta 4 and it is looking like up to Four maps may be through our pipeline in time!
- Facility_Backzone [will definitely make it!]
- Caverns
- Silo
- Surface
- Citadel [Bonus map]
Assorted WIP Teaser screenshots
Remember lastly that on the horizon is the game-mode ViashinoCutthroat has utilized using our great LUA based gameplay system. Long conceived but written only just this week, Live and Let Die is looking really great and with a few additions to beef up immersion and playability, will likely be coming out well before beta 4 as a patch of its own.
3.1 Release Time
We will be releasing links both .EXE and .ZIP from our servers, moddb, and filefront for starters (until community mirrors start to submit links) ; the filesize will be around 50-65MB. It will ship
tomorrow, Friday the 13th in the evening U.S EST. Those wanting to be alerted of the release should join our
official steam community group to get on the minute alerts of a release! The official GE:S Servers will be online with the patch ahead of time as well as a few others. Get ready for a beautiful chaos.
Team GoldenEye: Source