Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
pwn your self in complex_classic
This is really odd, but funny glitch..
Good catch, trying to see what causes it... and if any other maps
ok so far here is what i have,
in archives
there is one wall that isnt textured right ( i donno what you would call it but after looking at the pic you will see what i mean)
also there is a knife glitch on the horizontal pipes on the wall
in complex_classic knives go down the ramps but not the walls
and in control, if you throw a knife at the computer screens the screen breaks but the knife dissapears works on any part of the monitor
and i got a console readout and i am no game designer or programmer if you cant read it ill take a better one with my camera and upload it
ps and yeah ppk, i knew about the hideout there, i still own and rock out on my original N64 with 007 golden eye and sometimes ill bring out my game shark for fun
HAHA that knife glitch has nothing to do with the maps themselves, per se.
It happens if a falling knife hits a prop that doesn't stop it's downward movement entirely (read shoves it out of the way) and that shove force remains imparted on the knife so it slides along the floor.
I tried fixing it a while ago to no avail (clearly) and it happens so infrequently and doesn't make a lick of difference that I didn't invest anymore time in it. Good find!
In console dumps the entire console into a text file in your GES folder or ny other game folder cstrike etc.
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