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To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« on: March 08, 2009, 05:01:14 pm »

... or football, as we call it here on the eastern side of the pond. I heard that you call it soccer on that country called America.

I can see that many members of this forum are Americans, but I also know that the USA has a pretty good women's soccer national team. Given this, I want to know your opinion about the world most famous and most played sport. No flaming here please and also no fanboy shit.

I can say for myslef that it is my favorite sport and it's my country's national sport, so to speak. So go ahead, kick a round ball for a while and give the old melon a break (the ball used in american football resembles a melon, honestly).
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 05:22:33 pm by PPK »


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 05:06:29 pm »

Dude soccer is boring. Man up and watch ice hockey.
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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 05:20:00 pm »

Dude soccer is boring. Man up and watch ice hockey.
No flaming here please and alos no fanboy shit.
You fail at life.

I like "soccer" cus their good athletes.. they run and run and run and run.. it's intense but i watch "football/foosball" for the strategic turn based routes/plays hard hits. and lol i didnt know we had a womens soccer team.. >.>


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 05:24:12 pm »

Hockey is my favorite sport. I really try to like soccer, but it is hard. The atmosphere for soccer games are amazing but there are hardly any real scoring chances, just a thousand turn overs. I think offsides is a really dumb rule for soccer given the sparse scoring.


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 05:52:52 pm »

watch ice hockey.

I find ice hockey to be a bit more violent at times.

I like "soccer" cus their good athletes.. they run and run and run and run.. it's intense but i watch "football/foosball" for the strategic turn based routes/plays hard hits. and lol i didnt know we had a womens soccer team.. >.>

You do, and if I'm not mistaken, you've won the Women's World Cup twice, in 1991 and 1999 and you hosted two Women's World Cup (1999 and 2003), and a World Cup, in 1994, which Brazil won. Also Wikipedia tells me that the USA came third in 1930, the year of the first soccer World Cup.

I think offsides is a really dumb rule for soccer given the sparse scoring.

It's to make the game more fair (according to some people), but at times I too get annoyed by that. If a team can do things right, it can avoid them, but not at 100%. It's also a source of controversy at times, because it is difficult to spot and correctly signal, although the referees get it right most of the times. The sparse scoring is natural of the game, since it is played in a different fashion than many other sports, with a greater chance of cutting off passes, but sometimes you watch a match where 4 or 5 goals are scored, and you can call that a great match.

, a link to a match that Portugal played on 1966 at the World Cup. We came from losing 3-0 against North Korea to winning 5-3, four goals scored by Eusébio
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 06:16:50 pm by PPK »


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2009, 06:00:50 pm »

I think offsides is a really dumb rule for soccer given the sparse scoring.

Actually the offside-rule is a very important part of soccer-gameplay. Offside was introduced because otherwise there would always be a group of players just hanging around the opponent's goal, making the game too static. With offside, players are forced to reposition everytime time posession is gained or lost. And because every player needs to reposition all the time, speedy combinations and short passing is vital, thus making the game more attractive to watch.


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2009, 07:12:40 pm »

It's really a lot more fun to play sports than to watch them.

However, I do enjoy watching Wimbledon (I'm an avid tennis player) when it's on as well as some Golf. They're pretty fun and relaxing to watch, unlike when everyone is screaming and shouting during Football or Soccer.

Barrelsoccer's more fun. :D
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 09:54:47 pm by The SSL »
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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 07:23:51 pm »

I can see you are more of a calm sport guy, The SSL, on the likes of golf. I'd like to know how to play golf, it seems a nice sport.

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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 08:18:57 pm »

I give futball players credit for their game. However, its not my choice of sport. I like baseball, football, and basketball. (Go red sox, patriots, and celtics!) look at the avatar haah

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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 08:27:56 pm »

I give futball players credit for their game. However, its not my choice of sport. I like baseball, football, and basketball. (Go red sox, patriots, and celtics!) look at the avatar haah

and bruins OOH RAH

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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2009, 08:58:00 pm »

I don't really understand the allure of physical sports. Well, I can see how it might be fun and advantageous to actually play (in some cases). I just don't understand the fanatics.

And I think it's supremely WRONG that people get paid disgusting amounts of money to kick/throw/hit a ball/puck around while they act like fucking retards, and in some cases, destroy their bodies for the sake of a game. Why don't we just have mindless to-the-death gladiator battles while we're at it?

All sports, in theory, are all great for expressing and developing ones self. But the popular mind sets behind it... I don't know. All I see is just low-brow brutality. Just how many mindless animal-like riots have broken out over a fucking soccer game? It's sickening to the soul, quite frankly. But I suppose the same arguments could be made on pretty much anything. Like what the internet, video games, and tv supposedly does to people.

Maybe I'm just mad for personal reasons.

My father, who has always been a big sports guy, played (American) football in the Air Force, and broke his neck because of it. Because he put so much of himself into it. And for what? For 30 years of mind numbing pain? For totally fucking up his personal life and family life? For causing so many problems that I just don't want to explain right now?

Fuck it. Alright? Fuck it!

Clearly I'm out of my element on this discussion. I just felt the need to vent. My father is FINALLY having neck surgery this Tuesday. I'm very worried, even though that this surgery is fairly common place in this day and age.

I've made it a point not to foolishly destroy my body over a caveman game. Alas, I'm destroying my body by other means. So is life. Lord Christ the Son of God, and the Father the All-Encompassing Creator, have mercy on us all. 

Feel free to completely ignore my post. I'd prefer that. This is merely a way for me to vent. But it's always fun to have some SOCIALLY AWKWARD weirdo post randomly serious stuff, no?


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2009, 09:16:47 pm »

Why do you say that you are socially awkward? I don't think that; in fact, there is no problem with your opinion. I completely understand it and do agree with some points (for example, the amount of money they earn; it should be lowered or instead they should play like it was going out of fashion, every game in order to justify their salaries).

I also wish the best of luck for your father's surgery.

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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2009, 10:25:42 pm »

I say that I'm socially awkward, because, well... I don't know. Back in the day, people always thought I was cool/intelligent/intersting, and that I had a successful future ahead of me. Still, I always had severe problems.

 I feel as though everyone is out to harm me. Everything is judging me, even the air I breathe. I'm always lost in my own world. All these thoughts of what is "good", and what is "bad". What place do I hold in this reality? What is reality? What should I do? What comes next? My mind is an ever-furiously-vibrating fuck of an expirience. It's come to the point where I haven't left my apartment in two years, except for a handful of occasions. These occasions total in the lower double-digits. I can't even hold a simple tedious job. Panic.

Yes, I'm sure many people have gone through this and are currently going through this sort of thing. But that offers little comfort. It's hard to relate exactly what is happening in one's own mind. Language simply fails at conveying this sort of thing. It does for me, anyway. But in true reality it may be a simple thing to overcome. I don't know. I need help. I'm currently seeking it. I'm not going to kill myself. If I do, it would be because I slowly starved myself to death while I hoped and prayed for all the best for humanity. And the result of all this is that I lock myself away in these three rooms... talking to myself, playing video games.... trying to grin and bear it. And if my father were to die at this point... I just don't know what I would do. I need him. But the Lord wills what He wills.

I'm 20 years old. Why is this happening to me? I feel as though I'm 80 and at the end of my rope.

*insert indescribable pseudo-intellectual retard babble here*

THAT'S why I say I'm socially awkward. Because everytime I set foot in front of people it becomes some sort of surreal and terrifiying event. And those same people always think otherwise.

Anyway, I don't mean to derail the thread.

I also wish the best of luck for your father's surgery.

Thank you very much, kind sir.


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2009, 02:28:22 am »

Dude soccer is boring. Man up and watch ice hockey.

Dude, both of those sports are cool.

 Ok, hockey is hella fun. Still, soccer is fun to watch.
Just in case, I'm French. So if you see that some of my sentences dosen't make any sens, you know why. But hey, who care anyway ?


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Re: To kick a round, size 5, ball...
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2009, 03:14:45 am »

I guarantee I rape all at golf. Unless somehow a community of gamers holds with it TWO amazing golfers. Ten years ago I was told i should try become a pro. I really didnt think it was for me ; and I dont regret that.

Golf = awesome to play and watch
Tennis = awesome to watch, tiring to play LOL
Aussie rules = wins over all of the foot sports
Cricket = funner to play for most people. I like to watch actually.
soccer = not bad. Better watching hilights of champion league matches and the world cup is a MUST even if you dont like soccer overly. Its just epic during that 2 weeks every 4 years

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