Debriefing > Fixed\Known Bugs
[For beta 3.0] How to Fix Server Issues
Mark [lodle]:
This is for Server Hosts only, not Client side.
--- Quote ---Since Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source are on a separate Orangebox engine depot that is incompatible with MODs, we've added a new hldsupdatetool entry to sync to the old files. So if your running a MOD and need to use the old TF 2 engine and dedicated server depots, use the game name "orangebox". There is also an entry named "episode1", in case you need to download the engine and dedicated server files for an EP1 MOD.
--- End quote ---
OK, valve released an update today to fix all the server issues, that people have been reporting repeatedly on our Mod, and many others. All you need to do is update srcds using orangebox as the game.
--- Code: ---
hldsupdatetool -command update -game orangebox -dir [Install Dir] -verify_all
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---
./steam -command update -game orangebox -dir [Install Dir] -verify_all
--- End code ---
Let the games begin, and lets get back to playing some GoldenEye: Source!
Full guide can be found here:
Team GoldenEye: Source
btw is it no longer required to move the files from \serverfolder\hl2 to serverfolder\orangebox\hl2?
yes, if your server is correctly updated using the dedicated server patch i made as shown on the wiki.
thankfully a newer trick in the gameinfo.txt allows the that old copy step to be skipped. (it will instead use hl2 folder thats in the original position directly)
good stuff
Nice, now we can expect to see a debut of 3.1 sometime soon...and maybe all those lame people who left will come back when they see the new patch......why are some people so ignorant and just think the game is broke forever if something with servers goes wrong...I hate it when they don't check the forums to find information about it and just assume its the mod. *cough*roommate*cough*
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