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Toothache from hell

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I'm pretty close to that. I had one cavity years ago, and the only major work was wisdom extraction.  The few times I've been to a dentist, I've gotten that same "zomg ur tooths pwn" sort of line.

Mike [fourtecks]:

--- Quote from: PPK on March 03, 2009, 07:44:57 pm ---I must ask now, since it's been a while since you told us you had a toothache. Is it over yet?

--- End quote ---

Oddly yes, I no longer feel anything today basically. Saturday was hell day, Sunday was a lot better, and by Moday there is nothing. I went in for a quick check at the dentist yesterday before going to work and it might just be some cavity issues, and I might not need a root canal. The roots of the tooth looked fine in the x-ray. However, he was concerned about the level of pain I was feeling on Saturday.

I get to go back tomorrow morning and he's going to treat it as if it was just cavity issues, but will switch to root canal if needed once he gets in there for a better look. Hopefully there's no root canal needed, which will save me a lot of money.

Good to know you are ok now and ready to get back to work on full force, not only on GE:S but also on your regular paid job.

Mike [fourtecks]:
I'm still slightly numb, but I am back. I got lucky and only cavity work was done, no root canal. Numbness just has a little more to go away and I can finally get something to eat. I'm starving!

Eat icecream! That's what my dentist tells me to do when you come out of a surgery where your teeth get a little numb.


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