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« on: February 28, 2009, 08:31:48 am »

ive been playing GE:S since beta 1
i just had a few ideas for the mod:

1.the mod menus change from the crappy source engine ones to the original ones (or aren't the source menus that dynamic) if not you still could make the menus a LAN only game that uses either console commands or something else to control as if it were a menu ($10 says u had no idea what im talking about lol)

2. the pause watch from the original instead of the crappy source pause menu change it to the ge64 watch

3.the menu could have a tutorial or 2 (like in garrys mod) about ge 64-S's unique game play modes i just read a 5 page forum topic about how noobs come in and have no idea about the GG in MWTGG

4. you guys put allot of effort into weapon lists and different settings servers can change but what about clients what choice do we have about what we're playing the servers got all the choice i thought i vote at the end of each match/round to choose things like gamemode, weapon set, maps, radar, you know all of that so the players et the choice

5. this one sort of connects with 4. we could custom create our own weapon sets and take them to servers (if the vote thing goes in) a limitation of 1-2 weapon sets per person so your not scrolling through 70 different players custom sets.
E.G. you make the weapon set from a tool in the main menu there you can save as many as you want but can choose a maximum of 1 or 2 of your favorite custom sets then at the end of the round/match you can see other peoples custom sets and think "hey that set sounds like fun" and vote for it.

6. the watch/scoreboard could say both the remaining round and match time at the bottom of it as well as the upcoming map.

7. the watch/scoreboard shouldn't say "ge_complex_classic" or "ge_complex" it should say "complex classic" or "complex" and with 3rd party maps either "3RD Party Map" or "3RD party map-Temple MK" or just "Temple MK" in other words the game changing the "_" to a space and removing "GE" at the start.

8. as well as a tutorial page a information page on all the guns E.G. name, whether it's an automatic/pistol/laser, the guns model spinning in a 360 motion the shooting, information on the gun, it's damage range, magazine size, rate of fire, all of that.

9. what happened to silencing the gun by right clicking? i used to love silencing the ZMG it made an awesome sound

10. wheres the breathing when i get shot?

11. is it possible to see a players health like in when was that canceled?

12. could we select the weapon list (in the hud) color

you probably have no idea what im talking about with 1/2 this stuff lol

keep up the good work,
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 08:37:28 am by diesal11 »

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Re: ideas
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 09:16:31 am »

1.  That is on the to do list.

2.  That is on the to do list.

3.  Maybe, interesting idea.  We are putting in a console help command in the meantime. 

4/5. Servers can make their own loadouts, if you want to suggest one you could always contact the server. Voting would probably be done by a 3rd party admin mod, but I don't know for sure. 

6.  The ingame clock shows the round time, and the scoreboard shows the map time.  We don't want to clutter it up with too much info. 

7.  Whats wrong with ge_complex?  Maps with ge_  are official maps, so that answers the second part of your question too.  Don't really see a reason to make it more complicated than it is. 

8.  Maybe sometime in the future.  Dunno if thats really necessary though. 

9.  The old way wasn't goldeneye.  Beta3 uses the same system that goldeneye 64 uses. 

10.  Will probably be implemented in the future. 

11.  When you get shot you will see that, otherwise when you pull up the scoreboard you will see the health bars.  The only reason that old screenshot is like that is because we hadn't put in the scoreboard yet. 

12.  The weapon list will be improved in the future.  Most players don't even use it though, and use quick weapon switch instead.

Hope that clears some stuff up. 
Konrad Beerbaum: Environment Artist


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Re: ideas
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 10:22:39 am »

There allready is a voting system for weaponsets and maps used on some servers (at least on the WN servers i know it's there).
Right now everything's up to the server admins, unfortunatly most of them just stick with everything on random, which isn't a very good decission IMO.


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Re: ideas
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2009, 11:26:55 am »

   Server owners can set up custom mods for voting and map changes.

   The way WNx servers do it is VERY good, something like that would be great in GE:S, maybe less stuff, but similar features.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: ideas
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2009, 12:41:33 pm »

By the time the mod is FINAL for multiplayer, we will likely have good document support for, or have our own admin plugin system available with the mod.

For now, we hope to educate servers best we can NOT to just set and forget servers to the "random" weaponset.

Beta 3.1 patch will actually already make servers who dont do much customizing, much much better. Then serverhosts who know a thing or two about hosting GE:S will make some absolutely amazing combinations of gameplay on even just a single server automated via the configs.


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Re: ideas
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 02:24:03 pm »

"9. what happened to silencing the gun by right clicking? i used to love silencing the ZMG it made an awesome sound "

Suddenly, and unknowingly, the young man instantly lost all street-cred with his peers.  His attempt to sound like someone pushing for 007-canonical adjustments to GES was transformed into a source of nothing but the most epic of lolz...


4. what choice do we have about what we're playing

Leave crummy LTK server.  [advice dog] Seed up some Team YOLT.

5. this one sort of connects with 4. we could custom create our own weapon sets and take them to servers (if the vote thing goes in) a limitation of 1-2 weapon sets per person so your not scrolling through 70 different players custom sets.

We have covered pretty much every good loadout.  Any time I get an idea for a new set that brings something good and new to the game I add it.  The customization is so a server can do little changes, like WNx's removal of Proximity from Explosives, replacing it with Rocksalt.  It's not intended for every server to start running RC-P90 Arena bullshit.

10. wheres the breathing when i get shot?

It is in as of Beta 3.0, though it only applies when you take HP damage.  I find that a good cue to get the hell out of Dodge and find a new flak vest.

11. is it possible to see a players health like in when was that canceled?

Mr. Mockup McGee is just that, an Idea.  One of mine, specifically.  It may be done someday but it is not a priority.  Right now, we're not seeing very many team servers to justify our putting work into that over fixing existing bugs and adding other features.

12. could we select the weapon list (in the hud) color

Edit the .res file?
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Re: ideas
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2009, 04:10:59 pm »

7.  Whats wrong with ge_complex?  Maps with ge_  are official maps, so that answers the second part of your question too.  Don't really see a reason to make it more complicated than it is. 
Not necessarily. The rules are that they can't take the place of official names. Like if someone went out and made a Jungle or Statue map, they can't call it ge_jungle or ge_statue, just so when we release our version, there is no confusion on who made it. Best ways to do this would be to change the "ge" part, or just add an extension to it (ge_jungle_bob).


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Re: ideas
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2009, 04:49:24 pm »

I would say the ge_ standing for the mod the map is for, like:
es_ = eternal silence
dys_ = Dystopia
tls_ = (stargate) The Last Stand

Just add your name at the end of it, not only to differ from the official maps, but also to have some sort of credit for yourself.

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Re: ideas
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 06:11:54 pm »

Quote from: Friday, June 07, 2013
9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: So I post on GE:S after 6 months and Facility comes on Radio Nintendo
9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: think it's trying to tell me something
9:48 PM - Proxie: Tonight you will dream of Grant Kirkhope and VC


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Re: ideas
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2009, 02:11:26 am »

7.  Whats wrong with ge_complex?  Maps with ge_  are official maps, so that answers the second part of your question too.  Don't really see a reason to make it more complicated than it is. 
well could you at least get rid of any underscores it's not that hard. change the custom font to show underscores as spaces
8.  Maybe sometime in the future.  Dunno if thats really necessary though. 
all of the info is in the wiki all you have to do is make the menu
12.  The weapon list will be improved in the future.  Most players don't even use it though, and use quick weapon switch instead.
i don't use the quick weapon switch

"9. what happened to silencing the gun by right clicking? i used to love silencing the ZMG it made an awesome sound "

Suddenly, and unknowingly, the young man instantly lost all street-cred with his peers.  His attempt to sound like someone pushing for 007-canonical adjustments to GES was transformed into a source of nothing but the most epic of lolz...
lol.. what?
10. wheres the breathing when i get shot?

It is in as of Beta 3.0, though it only applies when you take HP damage.  I find that a good cue to get the hell out of Dodge and find a new flak vest.
i haven't seen it yet
12. could we select the weapon list (in the hud) color
Edit the .res file?
done that changed to black AWESOME!! but what about noobs who don't even know how to open a .res file in notepad?


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Re: ideas
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2009, 02:28:21 am »

4. I totaly agree with diesal. Plus we already have that (well, we will), its the L4D SDK. Let clients (aka lobby leader) choose options (like scenario, game lengh, weapon loadout, level, etc), exactly the way it used use to be done on GE64 with pad1 and Multiplayer Options screen. And L4D SDK is built for 4 to 8 players, exactly what N64 can handle.
Created a 3rd party plugin, but its definitely not releasable at the moment, too much dirty coding. I plan to work on it again once 3.1 is out and I get more free time.

Leave crummy LTK server.  [advice dog] Seed up some Team YOLT.
We tried. And as much as I find YOLT  entertaining, it really is a complete fail, pubbers don't like that.

what about noobs who don't even know how to open a .res file in notepad?
80% of the noobs will spend less than an hour in game, not that important, it's only a color.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 02:47:01 am by Doc.NO »


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Re: ideas
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2009, 02:33:36 am »

lol.. what?
When adding the silencers, the developers got the ZMG and the D5K mixed up. There was never supposed to be a silencer on the ZMG. Usually when people bring up wanting a silencer on the ZMG, there opinions go right out the window.


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Re: ideas
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2009, 02:45:09 am »

Actually I think we had a Silenced ZMG on beta 1.x because alpha had a weapon font with a silenced ZMG lol


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Re: ideas
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2009, 02:47:04 am »

Usually when people bring up wanting a silencer on the ZMG, there opinions go right out the window.

Reason for this being if i saw the silencer on the ZMG again id start demanding silenced AR33s, DDs and god knows what else...

Currently in Progress - ge_jungle

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Re: ideas
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2009, 03:24:47 am »

Reason you can't right click to add silencer's is that the two weapons are different completly, and in different weapon load outs.
/Sean "Baron" Stock
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