Editing and Customization > General Discussion
help please im a noob
i have a general question for you guys. I currently have a dell demension 2400 series cpu. its has a 2.4GHz processor, 768MB of RAM, and a 80Gb hard drive. My graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce. I forget what kind. its low grade for sure. i cant check it right now because my pc is getting worked on. my question is what is the bare minimum you need at least in a grahpics card to play GES.
im using a onboard hp... i'm also using dx 7 but it works fine
If you meet the minimum system requirements for Half-Life 2 Episode Two then you can play GE:S comfortably. Said that, and taking your system specs in account, I'd say you can, but it won't have all the eye-candy you see in the official screenshots, mainly because of you CPU. Your RAM is ok though. I think the minimum recommended for the OB engine is 512 Mb.
Part of the reason we are still on the HL2 engine is that there are a lot more people able to meet the specs of the game. If we used crysis or something like that our community would be much smaller.
"our community would be much smaller."
It would put me right out.
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