Hey, been a long time since I've tried out this mod and my impression now is that it's come a LONG way. The ONLY gripe I have is the aiming. Something about it just doesn't feel responsive enough, I dunno, anyone else know what I'm talking about?
If you could be more specific, maybe we could help.
I'm thinking he means that the crosshair flicker upon appearing sometimes, and that it doesn't always zoom in immediately.
This is a lag issue. Not much anyone can do about that.
Well in n64 when you aimed i think it was the camera stayed still as your gun trollied around the screen.. which i think would be hard to do on the source engine i believe...
Actually, in GE007 you couldn't hold the gun completely steady. Another cool realism aspect of GE007.

Aim suck, i just HATE this. final point.
You hold shift to bring up a crosshair, as it always was in GE007. What more do you want?
Hell, I do an alright job aiming without it. You just know where the center of your screen is after a while.