Every time 3.1 gets pushed because of something stupid, there is a comment that the chances of L&LD being in 3.1 increase.
As of yesterday, L&LD works on the current build but not the "clean" testing build. Wake threw drama at me because I expected my script (which I wrote, it's going to be pretty damn solid) and the LUA callbacks (which I've been testing by using them to make L&LD) should be fast-tracked into the testing build so we have an excuse to get testers testing because there hasn't been any testing of anything these last two weeks despite our being able to work around the problems when we really need to and that gets on my nerves. Anyway, as you all know, when I feel slighted I become very dynamic, hence the updating of this thread.
So, today I'm going to look into two potential oversights: 1) verify that Baron HP management on lead death and voodoo respawn is handled correctly. It should but I haven't tested it after the callbacks changed. 2) verify that self-inflicted damage works. I know holding a handy for five seconds is a suicide, as is falling off runway, but I forgot to test against
world and low damage sources, like popping generators. Baron's funny health system might not work appropriately with them if I omitted an
if statement in a particular place. If I omitted it and the damage works, then the engine code has a flaw.