Debriefing > Fixed\Known Bugs
[KNOWN] First person and world model not coincident
I stumbled upon this a while ago, but only got a decent, self-explanatory xcreenshot today.
Here it is, if my title is not the most correct and/or not the most adequate:
Before picking up the D5K Deutsche:
After picking it up (notice the weapon icon on the right and compare to the world model):
You see a non-silenced/suppressed weapon lying on the floor but you pick up a silenced one. Not much of a trouble, but I think it would be good if they matched, since it already happens with the silenced PP7.
Known, low priority.
As I explained once before, the reason we have D5K-S at all is because I said "hey, stick the PP7 silencer on D5K, I want to have D5K-S in some of my loadouts." Thus, the code that draws the PP7 silencer on the viewmodel was recycled for D5K, and the pickup icon was made when KM recreated the icons for DD44 and AuG. D5K-S's worldmodel has received no attention.
Thanks for clearing this matter up for me and the rest of us who thought it was a bug.
Good to know you will take care of this.
I'll leave this open in case any other dev team member wants to write here his explanation on the subject.
Sean [Baron]:
Theres not much more to explain about it, VC pretty much cleared that up.
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