"Basically it means they can get shittier scores than their skill would be on LAN and blame it on us."
"play the game or play LAN."
I night or two back, while testing my L&LD against the scarecrow army, I, with a ping of 1ms, shot a bot with the golden gun and he didn't die. Blood sprayed, no death. I shot him a second time and he died.
Clearly 1 millisecond is too much lag. I should play on a better server! Perhaps if I crawl inside my computer case...
Blaming lag also fails to recognize the case of shooting an AFK in the head and doing no damage. When someone hasn't moved in ten seconds, there should be no question at all about where he's at and if the bullet counts. The only way to explain that is if there was a discrepancy between where the client saw himself when he fired and where the server saw him when he fired, and the only way for that to happen is if the client and server player positions are drifting out of sync, and if that were happening, we'd see other symptoms like players getting stuck to objects, ceilings, and floors, intermittanly and in a manner that seems to fix itself when a player does something, like jump, that causes both sides to come to the same position calculation result.