Radar bandwidth optimization, should help mitigate the server performance problems.
Klobb easter egg activation.
Developer identification on the scoreboard. (To prevent imposters.)
Weapon balance tweaks. (I mentioned them in my weblog.)
New scenario: Taco Toss! The objective is to see who can blast Taco McFerggy's ragdoll the furthest down Runway's runway by skipping him along a series of proximity mines.
Proximity alert trigger before reaching the detonate radius. (Hopefully this will make the alert tone useful rather than a You're Already Dead notice.)
Removal of some exploits identified after 3.01's release.
Taco Toss is a cool idea

Concerning the proximity alert I think it would be more fun without it.
People who dislike proximity mines may - like before - chose a server without them or at least with a random weaponset. (as I recall there was mostly only one round per map with them)
I mean come on, what about the schadenfreude and the moment of.... surprise? *throws-telephone-receiver-at-Viashino-Cutthroat-but-doesn't-reach-him-because-the-cable's-too-short*
It spoils the whole suprise and though we know they will be planted in doorways - still the question remaining is: in which will they be this time?

(-> when proximity mines triggering other proximity mines is fixed you may find out by throwing some yourself, too)