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New Translations needed
Mark [lodle]:
mookie the mwgg translation needs to be done again as i made an error
Will start working on the Portuguese one ASAP.
All that is needed translated is the Beta 3.1 achievements and the game scenario help. I'll post here when it's done.
--- Quote from: Mark [lodle] on February 19, 2009, 07:16:45 pm ---mookie the mwgg translation needs to be done again as i made an error
--- End quote ---
Let me know if you like what's there now; it's not a straight translation. It roughly reads:
With a single bullet, the Golden Gun demands cleverness and accuracy.
Be first to find the Golden Gun, or get it by killing the man who holds it.
Hopefully X-tra will double-check that though.
For reference, the previous translation read:
The Golden Gun is marked/noteworthy by the fact that a single player can have it at a time.
Be quick to seize it, or kill the player who has it.
--- Quote from: mookie on February 19, 2009, 07:48:21 pm ---Let me know if you like what's there now; it's not a straight translation. It roughly reads:
With a single bullet, the Golden Gun demands cleverness and accuracy.
Be first to find the Golden Gun, or get it by killing the man who holds it.
Hopefully X-tra will double-check that though.
For reference, the previous translation read:
The Golden Gun is marked/noteworthy by the fact that a single player can have it at a time.
Be quick to seize it, or kill the player who has it.
--- End quote ---
Yeah I checked.
By the way I corrected some little mistakes, too.
OMG what have you done to the german translation ;)
Well, beeing correct in translating is one thing, but making it fit into the GUI is another story, that's a reason why i keeped the Weapon names in english, course the german words are much longer and would simply overflow the weapon select GUI and the favorite weapon column.
Same goes for the Awards names I allready had them translated 100% exact, they didn't fit into the GUI so i expressed them another way.
Like "Eintagsfliege" which is an expression for something with a short life.
"Rezept für den Tod" is a funny one, maybe write it ReCePt.
"Zeitige Zerstörung" early termination? yay, timed termination is a hard one to translate, but this one is absolutly wrong in therms of sense.
"Rasendster Spieler" it might be possible to translate frantic as rasend, but not good in that case.
possible translations: verzweifelt, hektisch, außer sich, wild, krampfhaft, schrecklich, wahnsinnig.
I took "Am hektischsten" but IMO "Hektiker" gives you a good impression about how the player acts ingame without the overflow issue of the long translation.
Please keep the Award names as short as possible and don't touch the weapon names unless you got a short and good translation for them.
I'm not sure about the max. possible length of the words and on my resolution (1280x1024 4:3) there is allready the Automatic Shotgun overflowing the GUI.
But i think if you make it <= 14 characters it should work, if you do up to 17 Characters (like the ASG) it might overflow on some resolutions.
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