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New Translations needed
Mark [lodle]:
close combat weapon (like a knife)
I thought i'd leave some sentences and words 'as it is' because it would sound horrible in Dutch and wouldn't make any sense.
Mark [lodle]:
Cool, thanks
Added and changed some stuff to the german translation - undo if unwanted.
I thought it would be right to translate some weapons (except for the golden gun, which would be der goldene Colt) and changed some awards (even though the names seem a little long now).
Capitalized some words to be closer to the original and changed AC-10 (Armor Class -10) to RK-10 (Rüstungsklasse -10), the SharpSh00tah-achievement finally got changed to ScharfschÜÜtzeh (if you really would translate that one, I guess it's besser you'd let it be "SharpSh00tah" because it's named after a Dev).
Should game modes also be translated?
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