Editing and Customization > General Discussion

Sniper Rifle

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--- Quote from: Rodney 1.666 on February 14, 2009, 07:08:53 pm ---Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking your suggestion.
It is an opinionated thread. ::)

--- End quote ---

Hehe. Every opinion is valid, but perhaps I was defending mine too much. Sorry for that.
Still waiting to hear from the devs though. :D

It wont change is your official answer. We agreed having it be its own type of look is what we really enjoy.

Your dd44 argument is sorta of different. Pistols generally have been handled as "make this look like the real gun", I believe simply because a pistol is smaller and the more you can detail it with patterns and marking and give it a real flavor the better.

Large weapons that looked iconic in GE64 have been more so replicated and updated if you delve into our design. Rather than saying, wheres the real world reference? we slam some nostalgia your way, which i love personally. I'm sure 30 or 40 people will share your viewpoint, but I dont think that is valid enough to reverse our design choice.

Ok then. I was merely expressing my opinion, although the original DD44 did not look like the TT pistol at all.

I understand your point of view; the iconic weapons, along with their visuals should stay unaltered. If that is the dev team decision, then it is ok. I agree with it.

@Rodney: You are a 00 Agent since your 200th post.

If you want to lock this, go ahead. There is no point in continuing this discussion since the sniper rifle will not be altered.

It looks more like a Ruger 10/22 with a custom stock.

Sean [Baron]:
Who says my DD44 is blocky?... And I did model the DD44 after the TT33, just to be clear.


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