Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

Some comments and suggestions

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[GoldenGirls]Bea Arthur:
I think what the problem is is that people are not used to the delay between the trigger being pulled and the hammer hitting the pin, which is pretty much dead on for Goldeneye. As for it being a tad bit weaker, well, it still kills people fastest of all weapons minus Golden Guns and Shotties in terms of number of shots.

I confess. I like to get up in the towers on Cradle and snipe people from a far off distance with it when it is available. If I see a magnum lying around, I'll grab it in favor of just about any other weapon. I do love throwing knives, and the satisfaction that comes with killing someone with a headshot from 10 yards away and a floor above you.  :angel:

Please read around more, these issues such as random weaponset have been talked about at least 10 times. A patch is coming.

--- Quote from: cuzza40 on February 13, 2009, 08:57:47 pm ---1.  I seem to recall in the original game that the Cougar Magnum was SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than it is now.  I can hardly remember an instance where a kill to a player with full body armor took more than 4-5 shots.  Has it been crippled in some fashion?
--- End quote ---

Aim carefully. I can headshot players in one shot on 100hp. Its either exactly the same as n64 damage or very close. There was no nerf, just give your aiming some time. It is an adjustment period for sure.


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