Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback
Some comments and suggestions
Okay, first of all, HUGE, HUGE thanks to the entire dev team for this effort; this is absolutely an AMAZING recreation of Goldeneye. I've spent the entire time playing having flashbacks to my time in high school, and considering how great those memories are to me, there are few things I could give as higher praise.
That being said, I've just got a few comments...
1. I seem to recall in the original game that the Cougar Magnum was SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than it is now. I can hardly remember an instance where a kill to a player with full body armor took more than 4-5 shots. Has it been crippled in some fashion?
2. The random weapon selection could stand to spawn fewer Golden Guns and Golden PP7s. These weapons are GREAT when you wish to play with them, but the dynamic of the game is different in rounds that have these weapons than rounds without them, and someone seeking to play a deathmatch game with them and without them are looking for very different things.
3. I know there's no control to be had over this by the dev team, but my experience so far has been that Goldeneye, especially in the classic maps, is a game where the rule "more is not better" holds in the case of number of players. For example, a map like complex doesn't seem like it can reasonably support more than 8 players before the maps are so saturated the dynamic of the rounds are thrown completely off. Not sure if there's anything that can be done with that, like providing a recommended max player number just for information's sake for each map, but I thought I'd comment as long as I was here.
Like I said though, this thing is a work of art, and I'm absolutely in love with this game. The devs deserve only the absolute highest praise possible for this mod.
The Beatles pwn j00!:
1. I'm guessing it was nerfed due to there being more than four players?
2. Yes, I bitch endlessly about this. It irritates the shit out of me. There is no end to the fail. It pretty much ruins the game. The devs are aware of this problem, and have said that it will be resolved with the upcoming patch.
3. All we can really do is bitch them out for it and hopefully they split there large servers into a couple decent sized ones. Or at least change their map cycle to accommodate the large numbers of people.
CMagnums should probably do more damage. I seem to be getting one hit kills with them if I get a headshot but it sometimes takes 5 or 6 shots in the chest and abdomen when it should take 2 or 3. Considering the delay and the difficulty hitting your target I think it should be more powerful. It doesn't feel like the old CMagnum to me.
As for the number of players in game I think it would be nice to only allow servers to let a max of 14 people in a server. There's really no point in playing with anymore than that in a single game and for some maps even that is way too many. I personally wouldn't mind some 4 player max servers up to get the real original feel going, I find it plays best with only 4-6 players, but that's my opinion.
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
C mag take two or three well placed shots to kill someone
Yea i love the CMag ...few in the head and they go down like a sack of potatoes xD
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