Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

Just a question.


Hey team, you guys are doing a great job.  Of course, being a beta, there are the standard bugs, but everyone else has a handle on those.  But this a question for the design team in general.  I was curious if you had any plans to recreate the single player experience at all, or if you were strictly focusing on multiplayer.  I get that doing a single player version is a lot of work, and so if you choose not to, that is, of course, just fine.  Just know that if you chose to remake the campaign, I would love you for it.

The Beatles pwn j00!:
I bet they would love to do that. But they still have quite a way to go for multi-player.

I believe their response to this is always "Wait until multi-player is done, then we'll see." They don't want to jump the gun and declare that single player will be made, creating a bunch of hype, and then having something happen that makes them end up not doing it. You know, shit happens.

So it's strictly a wait and see sort of thing. Don't want to get ahead of themselves.

But once they do nail multiplayer down, everything is pretty much set up for the single player.

Yes, the GE64 single player campaign in GE:S would bring me to tears. That would indeed be indescribably epic (if done right, of course).


--- Quote from: The Beatles pwn j00! on February 12, 2009, 11:50:06 pm ---Yes, the GE64 single player campaign in GE:S would bring me to tears. That would indeed be indescribably epic (if done right, of course).

--- End quote ---

If they were to involve themselves in such endeavor, you can be sure it would turn out great.


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