First of all, welcome to the forums. Hope you like your stay here!
Thank you for praising the music; it is really well done.
You might want to wait for the "music and sound department" to post here and thank you for saying it is a nice work.
One thing: since you joined the forum, stick around and post on the other topics. Who knows i your suggestions will come in handy.
I can also say, as you might notice, that the current build of GE:S is not the final release, so there will be needed a lot of feedback from the community in order to really polish it up for the final one and a lot of community contribution with ideas and things like those.
BTW, I'm not one of the moderators nor part of the dev team; I'm just a GoldenEye fan like you and most people here who really want this project to move forward. I too still have my copy of GE007 and still play it with friends.
EDIT: Damn Sp1nn3y, you beat me to it. Me and my habit of making welcome wall-texts.