First off, great game. Keeping in mind its beta-ness, I have some suggestions in no particular order:
Get rid of the flashlight. It a huge distraction, honestly, and screams HL2DM. Map lighting could be improved overall. It's just that you're not gordon freeman in the dark killing headcrabs. Tell me, where is the light coming from? Where is the flashlight? Is it attached to the weapon? To me, if you were at least going to have it, it should be as dynamic as it is in L4D where it is properly used.
Get rid of ammo/weapon respawn sounds. that snake "hissing" sound is annoying. I believe weapons and ammo crates just faded back magically in Goldeneye. I believe you've mentioned you're trying to phase out these sounds.
Death animations? Falling on knees, etc.
Silhouettes of the guns indicating who killed who, along with suicides and headshot images.
When the deathmatch round starts and the players are queued in, a fly in to the back of the head would be cool, but not necessary. If you had a tournament mode, this would probably work best, along with a fixed cam of the map w/ description. "Janus Cradle, Cuba"
Shooting off hats (thought I'd throw this in there cause I love hats).
Rolling explosions! (as been mentioned)
Dynamic respawn timer. Some might say this is annoying but it improves gameplay.