Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

Heightmaps anyone???

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^lolz 'specially on a crappy computer like mine

I didn't know they were that taxing

Ryan [Saiz]:
Its not just a pc its just source engine isn't great or designed to be doing them and it really taxes resources.

idc, heightmaps was just an idea

I just <3 the way they lookz

Konrad Beerbaum:
Wait, I'm confused.  How the heck did you guys get to parallax mapping?  Height maps are just a black and white map.  The most common use is to use them to create a bump map.  You can also use a height map and a normal map to create a parallax map, but that is a completely different thing. 

We use normal maps on a lot of our props.  Normal maps are a more complex version of bump maps, and look a lot better.  As we go through and polish up the mod, we might redo those textures you are talking about and add normal maps to them if they really need them. 

A while ago i did some testing with a paralax shadder the guys at RE Twilight did.
Well it worked till i tried it in a real map.
The reason for this:
While compiling all world textures have to be LightmappedGeneric or it won't work.
But for the shadder to work it needs to be MN_PrlxLightmappedGeneric.
Changing something on a world texture after compiling is a very bad idea.
For me it fucked up all the lightmaps in the map i tested.
Sometimes the map will crash on startup too. (like when i enabled the normalmap for the snow in runway without having it compiled again)
IMO it doesn't really add something to the game, would decrease the playability of it and has some graphical disadvantages too.
like when you shoot a parallax mapped surface, the bullethole decal will stay on the original surface only the texture itself will be deformed, so it seems the bulletholes are hovering in front of it.
I think that's why valve never included the parallax mapping in the Games they made.


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