Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback
Heightmaps anyone???
L4D's iteration of the Source engine solved this with self-shadowing normal maps. They work well enough and don't rape FPS as much as heightmaps tend to.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
sucks source didn't work in parallax as well as they could have, cause damn it's beautiful
Jonathan [Spider]:
--- Quote from: engineer on February 12, 2009, 11:16:25 am ---L4D's iteration of the Source engine solved this with self-shadowing normal maps. They work well enough and don't rape FPS as much as heightmaps tend to.
--- End quote ---
if we can get self shadowed normal maps in that's something i would totally consider wanting to put in.
If this can be replicated via shaders in the OB engine, it would be AWESOME.
good idea, since they have no decrase in performance compared to regular normalmaps.
The only drawback, they are harder to do.
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