Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[RESOLVED] Crashes on server screen

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I think it might work, just don't know how much support you'll get here(as we all are mostly Windows, except for that one Linux "Wine" guy, but really...really ;) ), try looking through the VAVLe Fourms, or googleing for same problem (like Crash on TF2 load with bootcamp or similar)


--- Quote from: Mark [lodle] on February 11, 2009, 11:03:28 pm ---Err moneky, bootcamp is running windows nativly. But the windows 7 migh cause a few headaches.

--- End quote ---

I know what bootcamp does! His hardware is still MAC hardware though, duh

Mark [lodle]:
Well no, its an intel cpu, intel motherboard, ati graphics (or nividia) it has standard pc parts.


GMA 950:

Doesn't look like ATI/NVIDIA to me!

Mark [lodle]:
hmm didnt think macs had intel graphics cards


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